Contention & Auction Strategy

Scope of Services

Architelos will support new gTLDs facing auction by providing the information and experience you need to make decisions that matter.

Summarize the results of private auctions to date

A historical summary of the private auctions to date with an assessment of how this may impact your new gTLD auction results.

Evaluate the value of your new gTLD
  • Produce 10 year projected financial statements (Income statement, Balance sheet, Cashflows) under high & low scenario
  • Valuation range of your new gTLD string based on discounted cashflow basis
  • Production of a recommended range of auction bids based on valuation
Evaluation of the value of your new gTLD to your contention set applicants
  • An economic valuation analysis to inform you about the range of revenue the contending applicant may be anticipating for the use of the string
  • An analysis of all the contending applicants’ strings in contention, and the likely cost to them of bidding in all
Provide an estimate of what your new gTLD string is worth in a private auction

Market intelligence opinion on a range of values that we believe the string could achieve in a private auction scenario. This opinion takes into account the valuation that both parties might put on the string based on their own intended use and also take into account the dynamics of a private auction

Provide an estimate of what your new gTLD is worth in a public auction

Market intelligence opinion on a range of values that we believe the string could achieve in a public auction scenario. This opinion takes into account the valuation that both parties might put on the string based on the own intended use and also take into account the realities of a public auction.