Business Case Builder

With our collective experience, we understand the importance of financial planning and the nuances of domain name revenue recognition, including term life, multi-renewal rates, multi-tiered pricing, and service provider fees.

To address these issues we have developed — and continually enhance — a powerful but easy to use demand model, the Business Case Builder. It is an online solution that can be accessed from any PC with internet connectivity.

The user simply enters figures from a few drop down menus and our demand model calculates the rest.

The BCB has become the definitive forecasting and modeling tool for the Top Level Domain Name industry since its launch in early 2011. The BCB’s customer base has been a mixture of  gTLD applicants and established players. They use the BCB to forecast and launch their gTLD business. The original functionality of the BCB has been enhanced in version 2.0, which not only extends its use to alternate business models such as closed brands, but also adds enhanced modeling, planning and reporting capabilities. Now the BCB tool includes all the following features:

  • A series of new planning sheets to forecast the entire P&L (including all OPEX)
  • Special sheets for staff planning and capital expenditure
  • Premium names forecasting
  • Monthly P&L, monthly balance sheet and monthly cash flow sheets
  • Specialist sheets for dotBrand business model and closed TLD business models with special assumption tables and reports to cater specifically for this niche.
  • Source of funds planning sheet to help determine the funding required to deliver the forecast business
  • Easy production of multiple scenarios such as “most likely”, “worst case” and “what if”
  • 30 canned reports available with simple “drag and drop” driven reporting
  • The BCB model employs a general ledger structure, coding and hierarchy to ensure that the finance section reports are auto-populated. For example, cost of goods sold is split out into critical operational costs; OPEX can be split into staffing, facilities, marketing and G&A. Staffing is split into technical, marketing, general labor.
  • The auto-production of the finance template report is in the exact layout as is in the latest version of the DAG. This template report outputs all the figures from the BCB into an Excel spreadsheet and performs all the data collation and analysis (including the calculation of the 3-year reserve) through a series of artificial intelligence rules. The end result is that the user sees the recommended finance template at the touch of a button.
  • Ability to choose how the 3-year Reserve for Critical Operations function is to be financed, i.e., by letter of credit instrument or by cash escrow, with the preferred choice automatically entered into your accounting system and the ICANN Finance template report.
  • The new features & functionality empower the BCB to be used as the ongoing financial planning and reporting tool as it seamlessly allows actuals to be imported from the general ledger system to create 12-month rolling forecasts.

Now let us guide you on a tour of our new Business Case Builder.

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Questions about Business Case Builder features, benefits or capabilities?
Email or call us at +1-571-207-8786.